Glock 42 Problems (How I Got Around Them)

In the past, I’ve trained so many folks who want to carry Glock 42 in a shooting competition. It works just fine in the first few months.

The notorious problem I’ve had with it is failure to extract. Frankly speaking, this pesky issue was unpleasant to me.

Other Glock 42 problems I encountered are easy to handle. In this article, I’ll reveal a number of malfunctions and what worked for me.

Overview of Glock 42 problems and solutions

Failure to extract

Failure to extract is one of the most common problems Glock 42 owners encounter. This issue occurs when the fired cartridge case remains stuck in the chamber instead of being ejected. The root causes of this problem can be varied.

Causes: A fouled chamber often leads to extraction issues. Additionally, a damaged extractor can fail to grip the cartridge case effectively. The extractor spring could also be too weak, lacking the tension needed to pull the case from the chamber.

Solutions: Regular cleaning of your Glock 42 makes a difference. Ensure the chamber is clean and free of debris. Inspect the extractor for damage or wear and replace it if necessary. If the extractor spring is weak, consider upgrading to a stronger spring to improve reliability.

Double feeding

Double feeding is so frustrating. It results when two live rounds attempt to feed into the chamber simultaneously, causing a malfunction.

Causes: Worn magazines are a common cause of double feeding. Weak magazine springs may not push the rounds up with enough force, leading to improper feeding. Low-quality ammunition can also be a serious cause.

Solutions: Start by inspecting your magazines. Look for signs of wear and replace any faulty magazines. Upgrade weak magazine springs to ensure proper feeding. Always use high-quality ammunition to reduce the likelihood of double feeding.

Limp wristing

Limp wristing is a shooting technique problem that can cause malfunctions. This occurs when the shooter’s grip is too weak or their wrist isn’t locked firmly during firing.

Causes: Inconsistent grip strength and improper wrist positioning are the main culprits. An unlocked wrist can prevent the pistol from cycling correctly.

Solutions: Focus on improving your grip strength and wrist stability. Regular dry fire exercises can help develop a stronger, more consistent grip. Also practicing proper technique will mitigate limp wristing issues.

Ammo sensitivity

The Glock 42 can be particular about the ammunition it uses. Ammo sensitivity refers to the pistol’s responsiveness to specific brands.

Causes: Variations in ammunition dimensions, bullet profiles, and powder charges can cause sensitivity issues. Ammunition that doesn’t meet the Glock 42’s specifications may lead to problems.

Solutions: Experiment with different ammunition loads to find what works best with your Glock 42. Test various bullet types, weights, and powder charges to identify the most reliable options. Regular testing will help you find the ideal ammunition for your pistol.

Magazine issues

Magazine problems are another common issue for Glock 42 owners. These problems can arise from wear and tear, affecting the magazine’s ability to feed ammunition smoothly.

Causes: Regular use leads to natural wear and tear on magazines. Rough handling can also damage magazines, thereby weakening the springs.

Solutions: Make magazine inspection part of your routine. Check for signs of wear, clean the magazines, and replace any worn components like springs or followers. Keeping magazines in good condition will reduce malfunctions and improve reliability.

Slide stop lever

The slide stop lever and connector are critical components of the Glock 42’s slide lock mechanism. Over time, these parts can wear out, affecting the slide’s movement and overall performance.

Causes: Continuous use can wear down the slide stop lever and connector, leading to issues with slide lockback, slide release, or general firearm function.

Solutions: If you notice problems with your Glock 42’s slide operation, consider replacing the slide stop lever and connector. Consult a professional gunsmith for proper fitting and installation. This replacement will restore your pistol’s reliability and ensure smooth slide operation.

Slide not locking back

A common problem Glock 42 owners face is the slide not locking back after the last round is fired. This can be daunting, as it prevents the shooter from knowing the magazine is empty.

Causes: Weak magazine springs are often the cause. They may not provide enough upward force to engage the slide stop lever. A malfunctioning slide stop lever can also prevent proper engagement.

Solutions: Inspect your magazine springs for signs of wear or fatigue. Upgrading to stronger springs can improve slide lockback reliability. If the issue persists, consult a gunsmith to check the slide stop lever for wear and replace it if necessary.

Premature slide lock

Premature slide lock is when the slide locks back unexpectedly, usually after the first or second round from a fresh magazine. This issue interrupts shooting and can be confusing.

Causes: Magazine issues, such as malfunctioning followers, often cause premature slide lock. A faulty slide stop lever can also contribute to this problem.

Solutions: Begin by inspecting your magazines and followers for damage or wear. Replace any component that’s a problem. Check the slide stop lever for wear and replace it if needed. Addressing these issues will prevent premature slide lock.

Extraction and ejection problems

Extraction and ejection problems are common in firearms, including the Glock 42. These issues can range from failure to extract spent casings to stovepipes, where casings get stuck vertically in the ejection port.

Causes: Worn or damaged extractors and ejectors are common causes of these problems. Ammunition issues, such as inconsistent cartridge dimensions or bullet profiles, can also lead to extraction and ejection malfunctions.

Solutions: Maintain your extractor and ejector regularly. Ensure they are clean, properly lubricated, and free from damage. Use high-quality ammunition that meets industry standards to avoid issues related to cartridge dimensions.

Ammunition quality issues

Ammunition quality issues refer to problems like corrosion on the cartridges, which can affect performance. This issue is characterized by visible signs of degradation, such as rust or tarnish.

Causes: Poor storage conditions and exposure to moisture are the main causes of ammunition quality issues. High humidity can lead to corrosion on the casings.

Solutions: Store your ammunition in a dry, controlled environment with consistent temperatures. Avoid exposure to moisture. Regularly inspect your ammunition for signs of discoloration and discard any compromised rounds. Proper storage practices will help maintain the reliability of your ammunition.

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